Superheroes are Everywhere

Book Review: Superheroes Are Everywhere

Book Title: Superheroes Are Everywhere
Author: Kamala Harris
Illustrator: Mechal Renee Roe
: January, 2019
Publisher: Philomel Books
Number of Pages: 40
Formats Available: Hardcover, Kindle
Recommended Age Group
: Preschool, Elementary (Ages 3 to 8)
ISBN: 978-1984837493


From the Vice President of the United States, Kamala Harris, comes her empowering picture book, Superheroes Are Everywhere!  This children's book is all about promoting the message of being the best version of yourself and introduces young readers to influential moments and people from Kamala Harris' life.

As a child, Kamala knew that superheroes existed and she was determined to find them.  As she started her search at home, she found that heroes were all around her!  Throughout each page of the book, we see illustrations of a young Kamala as she describes how her family helped her feel special, be brave and stand up for all that is right.  Kamala's story shows how her family and friends helped her become the person she is today, and that makes them superheroes.

Not only does the Vice President share personal experiences to tell us about the superheroes in her life, but each page also prompts the reader to share about the important people in their lives that are superheroes as well!  The interactive elements built into the story are great for keeping young children highly engaged and will certainly leave them feeling confident that they can become superheroes too!

Subjects Covered

Morals and Values

At the center of Kamala Harris' story is the theme of having strong morals and values.  Throughout Superheroes are Everywhere, we learn about how true superheroes are those that are kind, help others and try to always do what's right.  Kamala pulls from specific experiences from her childhood and early adulthood to describe how those around her were the true heroes by helping her learn how to be the best she could be.

The layout of the book is great for delivering the book's primary message.  Each page headline features a new requirement for being a superhero, all of which are based around values associated with being a good person.  These important themes are positioned well for kids 3 to 8 to easily comprehend.

Family and Friendship

Behind the positive message of establishing strong personal values is the theme of family and friendship.

As Kamala is presenting the key principles of being a superhero, she is calling attention to important people within her own life that helped make her the person she is.  We learn about the influences of Harris' parents, sister, teachers and family friends as she recalls specific events where they made a mark on her.  Not only do younger readers get to see the impact and importance of family and friends, but also get to learn about the Vice President's life as well.

Make Sure to Check Out...

The closing pages of the book were some of the most enjoyable for my daughter.  There is a summary of the key lessons highlighted throughout the story and presented as the "Heroes Code".  Parents reading the book to their child will get to prompt them to repeat the core principles of being a superhero as they pledge to strive to be their best.  This interactive element is great for keeping younger children engaged.

In addition to the illustrations from Mechal Renee Roe, the front and back pages of the book also include real pictures from Kamala's life.  We see snapshots of her as a child with her parents and sister, as well as those from adulthood that show some of her personal milestones.  The real-life view into the life of Kamala Harris is a great accompaniment to the children's story that make the book even more enjoyable for younger audiences.

For parents who are interested in learning more about the Vice President, we also recommend checking out Kamala's book The Truths We Hold: An American Journey as well.  This book goes into much more detail about some of the influences in her life as she worked her way through her political career.  There is also a young reader's edition of that book as well which is tailored for children 12 to 15.

Bennett's Ratings

Educational Content



Educational Content: Superheroes Are Everywhere is rich with educational content.  Readers will not only get to learn about an important political figure in the U.S., Kamala Harris, but also are taught lessons promoting kindness and helping others.

Illustrations: The illustrations by Mechal Renee Roe are perfectly suited for the book's message.  They clearly present the author's theme and help take the reader through Kamala's childhood and early adulthood.

Engagement:  The book has a high level of engagement thanks to its straightforward message and presentation of Kamala Harris' life (including real family pictures).  The final pages also have a superhero oath that prompts children to read aloud which is not only fun, but helps with comprehension of the book's message.

Other Notable Features

Award Winner
Bennett's Top Pick: Educational