Book Title: The Book with No Pictures
Author: B.J. Novak
Published: 2014
Publisher: Penguin Young Readers Group
Number of Pages: 48
Formats Available: Hardcover, Paperback, Kindle
Recommended Age Group: Preschool, Elementary
ISBN: 9780803741713
Actor/Director turned author, B.J. Novak entered the world of children's books in 2014 with his first published work, The Book With No Pictures. The book quickly became a #1 New York Times Best-Seller (and currently is on its 172nd week on the best seller list).
Although a book without pictures may not sound like the most appealing option for children, this one will surely exceed expectations. Its creativity takes full advantage of reading's number one rule: Everything written on the page has to be said by the person reading it aloud.
Throughout the book, readers are forced to say ridiculous things, make silly sounds and sing funny songs, all with the goal of getting a good laugh. The hilarious format will lead to an animated story-time and make for a great book to read over and over with your kids.
Kids of all ages will enjoy this one, especially preschool and elementary age children (5 - 10).
Subjects Covered
If your goal is to pick a children's book full of educational material with a lot of depth, this isn't the right book. But arguably no recently published children's book will provide more laughs than this one. It's format is incredibly clever, yet simple, and will keep your kids laughing throughout the whole thing.
We're big fans of children's books featuring lots of comedy and no book has made my daughter laugh harder than this one. As a parent, it's really fun to read and just be completely silly as well. It's an easy stand-out on our bookshelf and one we ranked at the top of our funniest children's book top picks list.
Make Sure to Check Out...
The Book With No Picture's popularity has led to the creation of it's own website! On the site, you can download fun activities related to the book, and get all of the latest news on author B.J. Novak. There are sections for parents, teachers and kids which we definitely encourage everyone to check out if they are fans of the book.
Bennett's Ratings
Educational Content



Educational Content: The purpose of this book is not to provide educational content. It's a fun, humorous book with the sole purpose of getting a lot of laughs. If you are looking for something with a deep message, The Book With No Pictures is not for you.
Illustrations: The book's title lives up to its promise. There are no illustrations (...which is kinda the point).
Engagement: There is arguably no other book on our shelf that gets a higher level of engagement than this one. No matter how many times we read it, its always a ton of laughs. My daughter eagerly awaits each page and actively participates throughout the whole book.