Lunch Doodles with Mo Willems

Introducing Lunch Doodles with Mo Willems

Amidst all of the turmoil surrounding the COVID-19 pandemic, parents have been diligently searching for ways to keep their children entertained while stuck inside. As the father of a four year old, I have become all-too familiar with the endless energy and short attention span that accompanies preschoolers. So with schools closed and entertainment options limited, we’ve had to get creative with how we keep our daughter occupied.

Reading has always been a go-to activity for us. And while there are thousands of excellent children’s book authors, no one is celebrated more in our house than Mo Willems. His brand of comic-style, lighthearted stories are great for any occasion. Some of our favorites include We Are in a Book!, Knuffle Bunny and Don’t Let the Pigeon Drive the Bus! Not only is Willems a great writer, but he’s also a very talented artist who often does all of the illustrations for his books. So needless to say, when we heard about Mo’s recently released YouTube series, Lunch Doodles with Mo Willems, we were immediately hooked.

What is Lunch Doodles with Mo Willems?

The free YouTube video series is sponsored by the Kennedy Center and was created to provide an educational online activity for kids. There are 15 episodes total, each lasting around 20 minutes. Willems joins a host of other popular authors that have created online resources during the pandemic. See here for a full list.

Every episode of Lunch Doodles offers something unique, whether it be Q&A with Mo or learning to draw some of his popular characters. In many of the videos, we even get a behind-the-scenes look into the creation of some of his most popular books. In later episodes, Mo introduces games and other fun activities to participate in. As a parent, I’ve particularly enjoyed this series because there’s a lot of interesting elements for adults as well.

Of course, each video also promotes creative doodling. This is easily the most engaging portion of the videos for younger audiences. My daughter was eagerly grabbing her paper and crayons to create her own artwork after watching the first video. I couldn’t help but join in the fun too after seeing her be so enthusiastic about it!

Lunch Doodles with Mo Willems
Not bad, huh?

We hope everyone is staying safe during these difficult times. If you’re a parent in need of finding a new source of entertainment for your child, we definitely recommend giving these videos a look. You can also visit the Kennedy Center’s “At Home” page for other great videos and educational resources.

For doodle inspiration, check out the hashtag #MoLunchDoodles to see artwork by others following the series!