Book Review: Snowmen At Night

Book Title: Snowmen at Night
Author: Caralyn Buehner
Published: 2002
Recommended Age Group: Pre-School, Elementary

About Snowmen at Night
The New York Times Bestseller, Snowmen at Night, was written by Caralyn Buehner and illustrated by her husband, Mark Buehner. This popular, winter story features a little boy waking up to see his snowman looking a little droopy and wondering what the snowman must be doing at night while he’s asleep. Through his imagination, we see all of the neighborhood snowmen drinking hot cocoa, making snow angels and even playing baseball in the park! Buehner’s wonderful illustrations perfectly depict the snowmen’s happiness as they let loose while the rest of the neighborhood is asleep.

Why We Recommend It
For a light-hearted read this winter that is sure to trigger the imagination of your child, look no further than Buehner’s Snowmen at Night. The fun, rhyming pattern of the story is cleverly constructed and works perfectly with the creative illustrations of the snowmen and all of their favorite, nighttime activities. This is an easy read for pre-school children and a great starter book for elementary children just learning to read.

As an extra bonus for the reader, Buehner has also hidden a number of different shapes and pictures throughout the book that make story time even more fun as your child!